
Arm yourself against the risks of unreported failures

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It is vital that any malfunctions on your farm are reported reliably and in time. No matter how well-equipped your houses are, unpredictable situations that cause malfunctions can always occur. This is not necessarily an issue, as long as timely intervention is possible. If you are not alerted to problems, what started as a simple issue could potentially have a disastrous impact on the running of your farm.

To prevent the risk of malfunctions not being signalled, Fancom offers you a range of alarm monitoring systems.

Fantura wall inlet


The Octalarm-Touch is an alarm dialler that monitors critical technical processes. As soon as a process malfunction is detected, Octalarm-Touch activates the alarm calls. This enables corrective action to be taken in time, preventing damage and production losses.

The Octalarm-Touch is available with eight inputs as standard. The external extension module allows the alarm device to be expanded to 16 and even 24 inputs.

GSM networks

The Octalarm-Touch can use conventional landlines, GSM networks and communication via the Internet infrastructure, and offers extra security safeguards. A handy functionality allows contacts to be added and configured to determine who receives a call and when.

Fantura wall inlet

FB.8 alarm unit

The FB.8 is a monitoring device with a built-in 12V battery and battery charger, featuring 3-phase monitoring as standard. The FB.8 has eight alarm inputs, test button/selector switch and a reset button. The alarm input can be connected as an “open” or “close” contact. Several alarm devices can be connected.

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Download brochure alarms in poultry houses

Download brochure alarms in pig houses


Fancom has various types of alarms. You can choose form the following options:

Optimal reachability

Takes into account the redundancy in alarm coverage, in other words the various ways that will be used to contact you in the event of an alarm. This is often a combination of multiple technological devices and connections (analogue telephone line (PSTN), wired internet via VPN and wireless 4G compatible connection via reliable VPN). It is important that the battery quality is checked. After all, it is very frustrating if an alarm is not generated because of a dead battery. 


Also pay close attention to the flexibility offered by your alarm solution. Can you view the alarm status or set and manage alarms remotely using an app or online? The speed of response to a malfunction is crucial to limit any damage so it is vital you can set which person musyt receive the alarm message. It must also be possible to set the receiver of each type of alarm individually. And, for a sound night’s sleep, it must also be possible to mute non-urgent alarms at night.



It is important to fully integrate the alarm with the controllers for all the critical systems in the house. This includes at the least the climate control systems and feeding systems. Full integration enables the malfunction responsible for the alarm, and its location, to be accurately indicated.


To measure is to know. There is something to be learned from every malfunction, no matter how annoying. So full registration of malfunctions and how they were dealt with in a non-editable and non-deletable log with an audit trail log is essential to prevent malfunctions in the future, or reduce their duration.

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